A selection of watch-from-home free Adult ballet classes. We are currently updating the film and audio quality of these presentations however we wanted to make some existing classes available to everyone to join in from home.

Feel free to adapt any exercise that is too challenging by performing it more slowly, or with low legs or by staying on the whole foot instead of demi pointe. Please also adapt any exercises you need to if your dance space is restrictive.

If you enjoyed our class and would like to make a donation of any size, you can do so using the support us buttons on the class pages.

Beginner Ballet (recommended for adults or young people with some dance experience)
Arranged & taught by Cira Robinson. Demonstrated by Alexander Fadayiro
Streaming: This class has been filmed for web only distribution. 4K quality options to follow soon. We experienced some audio issues while recording this video, and you may prefer to lower the volume for the first half of the class.

This class is suitable for adult beginners. Don’t worry about understanding the terminology used. Follow along and go back if you need to! Feel free to adapt any exercise that is too challenging by performing it more slowly. Please also adapt any exercises you need to if your dance space is restrictive.

Elementary Level ballet class with Ballet Black Senior Artist, José Alves. This footage was taken from our live classes, often filmed on mobile phones, that took place during the Covid-19 global lockdown on Sundays at 12 o'clock. Jose's classes were streamed around the globe live via our BB Instagram account @originalballetblack   Participants could join us there live every week during lockdown, or use this video to dance-along at home! We all thank Jose for his giving his time and support to everyone during that difficult time. #JoséAlves #BBonFilm #BalletBlack
Pour nos amis francophone, voici un cours de danse classique à domicile par la danseuse française de Ballet Black, Marie-Astrid Mence! This is a 'filmed at home during lockdown' ballet class delivered by our French dancer, Marie Astrid Mence. We hope you enjoy. #MarieAstridMence #BBonFilm #BalletBlack
This class is suitable for students of Intermediate Level and above.
Arranged & taught by Cira Robinson
Demonstration by Marie-Astrid Mence
Duration: 63 minutes
Streaming: This class has been filmed for web only distribution. 4K quality options to follow soon.

Feel free to adapt any exercise that is too challenging by performing it more slowly, or with low legs or by staying on the whole foot instead of demi pointe. Please also adapt any exercises you need to if your dance space is restrictive.

Health & Safety notice:

These classes are for you to follow along with at home and you do so at your own risk.
Please make sure you have enough space to move your arms and legs without coming into contact with anything.
Wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict your movement.
If you don’t have a barre, use something secure like a countertop or heavy chair.
If you don’t have ballet shoes you can wear socks or dance barefoot.

If you enjoyed our class and would like to make a donation of any size, you can do so using the link below.
Arranged & taught by Cira Robinson
Demonstration by Marie-Astrid Mence
Duration: 39 minutes
Streaming: This class has been filmed for web only distribution. 4K quality options to follow soon.

This class is suitable for students of Intermediate Level and above. Feel free to adapt any exercise that is too challenging by performing it more slowly, or by perhaps trying the class in flat ballet shoes or by staying on the whole foot instead of demi pointe. Please also adapt any exercises you need to if your dance space is restrictive.

Health & Safety notice:

These classes are for you to follow along with at home and you do so at your own risk.
Please make sure you have enough space to move your arms and legs without coming into contact with anything.
Wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict your movement.
If you don’t have a barre, use something secure like a countertop or heavy chair.

If you enjoyed our class and would like to make a donation of any size, you can do so using the link below.

Showing all 5 results